Every December since 1965 Achewon Nimat has held its annual lodge banquet. At the banquet, delicious food is prepared for us by either our fantastic cook team or a local eatery. At the dinner, the lodge officers are auctioned off to the highest bidders as waiters to serve the hungry Arrowmen. The banquet also provides us a means to showcase the annual Lodge slideshow presenting the events of the past year as well as a way to honor those Arrowmen that have gone above and beyond in their duties. One of the other highlights of the evening is a special auction of old patches and memorabilia for those Arrowmen that like to collect things.

Lodge Banquet

Achewon Nimat Lodge 282 San Francisco Bay Area Council, Boy Scouts of America
Copyright © San Francisco Bay Area Council, All Rights Reserved
Achewon Nimat Lodge 282, Order of the Arrow San Francisco Bay Area Council-BSA email: info@achewonnimat.org  |  www.achewonnimat.org
Achewon Nimat 282
San Franciso Bay Area Council, Boy Scouts of America

Click Here for Banquet Registration Form

On Sunday, December 13th, 2020 from 7:00PM to 8:00PM we will be holding the 55th and final celebration for Achewon Nimat Lodge. Due to COVID, this celebration will be in place of our Lodge Banquet and will be our "final" Lodge Gathering as Achewon Nimat Lodge. As you are aware, due to the Council merger in June, Achewon Nimat is merging with Ut- in Selica Lodge and Kaweah Lodge. This final gathering will be to say thanks, present some awards, call-out the last Vigil candidates of Achewon Nimat, play some lodge trivia games and see a slide show.. At the celebration, the Lodge will also be issuing our final lodge flap for all dues paid members that register and attend the event. All new members inducted during the November 6th National Induction weekend can attend fee of charge, however, you must register.