Achewon Nimat Lodge 282 San Francisco Bay Area Council, Boy Scouts of America
Copyright © San Francisco Bay Area Council, All Rights Reserved
Achewon Nimat Lodge 282 is the former Order of the Arrow lodge of the San Francisco Bay Area Council, BSA. Achewon Nimat was formed in December 1964 following the merger of the Oakland Area Council and the San Francisco Council. The two lodges associated with the Oakland Council and the San Francisco Council was Machek N’ Gult Lodge 375 and Royaneh lodge 282. In June 2020, following the merger of the Alameda Council, the Mt. Diablo Silverado Council and the San Francisco Bay Area Council, so too did the OA lodges associated with those Councils merge. Kaweah Lodge 379, Ut-in Selica Lodge 58 and Achewon Nimat Lodge 282 merged to form Yerba Buena Lodge 719. This website is the legacy history website for Achewon Nimat Lodge 282. To access the Yerba Buena website of the Golden Gate Area Council, click on the following link:


Achewon Nimat Lodge 282, Order of the Arrow San Francisco Bay Area Council-BSA email:  |
Achewon Nimat 282
San Franciso Bay Area Council, Boy Scouts of America

Click here to access the “Yerba Buena Lodge 719” website
